What we do

Our goals

The goal of the founders is to establish the school that can accommodate 1200 students from Nursery school to primary school all from low income families who can contribute very small percentage and the rest can be contributed by well-wishers, sponsors and donors from across the world. The school will be registered and owned by an international Non-governmental Organization with appointed Directors from Tanzania, German and Austria who have been in the front line to bring the school into existence. The organization will be registered as per the laws of the country and operate as Non-profit making organization with the goal of supporting students from poor families to acquire high quality education.

In more concrete terms, the goal of the project is to deploy modern pedagogy to offer quality education to children from marginalized communities with the aim to impart practical employability skills and competence-based capacity building among youth to fight poverty in Tanzania. 

We want to:

1.         Promote Education for children from marginalized communities.

2.        Advocate child rights, inclusive education, child protection, and competence-based education in the country. 

3.        Raise awareness of career guidance counselling to students, parents, teachers, and career guidance counsellors. 

4.        Empower the colleges to produce career guidance counsellors to satisfy needs in secondary schools and colleges in Tanzania.  

5.        Empower youth mindsets on entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership training

6.        Facilitate the provision of affordable accommodation to visitors and volunteers with similar objectives.

Ely school will develop its own unique system of recruiting students by assessing and get assurance that they deserve to be supported. Students from poor families, orphans and vulnerable children will be given first priority, they will sit for an interview, house checks will be conducted and identification of the close family will follow.

The projected activities of Ely School are:

a) To provide kindergarten services to at least 50 pupils for one year. 

b) To provide full primary education to the above kindergarten finalists, and others who may wish to join the School. 

c) To provide vocational training courses to youth, especially girls, to enable them fend for themselves in the community. d) To provide Tuition classes to Primary and Secondary School pupils in government schools to enable them acquire the education level advocated in the current Policy. 

e) To provide language classes in English, German and French to adults who may need this in their jobs. And Kiswahili for foreigners, Volunteers,Expertsrates who are coming to help Tanzania in its Development. 

f) To provide training sessions, for at least 2 (two) days at a time, to organized groups of local populace, in an effort to raise their awareness of the value of the tourist attraction in Tanzania. This will be accompanied with safaris to the tourist attractions. 

g) To encourage and support women initiatives in tourism development activities as well as promoting self-help projects producing tourist souvenirs such as pottery, beadwork, weaving and knitting, cloth art, etc. These women , being mothers, teachers and mentors, will be highly instrumental in the creation of awareness of the importance of tourism among the community members.   

Our plans

The development plan for Ely school is prepared for the purpose of establishing a non-profit making school located in Arusha-Tanzania. Founders of Ely school believe that it is possible to provide to all kids of Tanzania quality education that will alleviate poverty in their communities and national level at large. The passion of helping Tanzanian community through providing them with quality education will enable them prepare patriotic leaders, who will safeguard the resources of the country, ensure equality living standards and improved social services of the country.  Why Ely school? Quality of service education in Tanzania has not been good since independence, public schools have had a lot of challenges including: - overcrowding classes, lack of teaching and learning resources, low motivation to teachers, few teachers, too much theoretical education that does not stimulate creativity and innovation. Ely school has come to answer all these questions: - To offer high quality education that will develop creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, information and computing skills and communication skills through the use of modern technology and modern ways of teaching and learning. This is to say that Ely schools will lay strong foundation of education, moral values and life skills among children from poor families. The school will be equipped with learning units which enable students acquire all basic life skills such as entrepreneurship, animal keeping, leadership, gardening, sports and games, public speaking, carpentry and many more. Since our education system has not focused on developing students’ talents, then ELY will be a Centre for diverse knowledge and innovation. In the long-run the school will invest more in discovering and developing students’ talents and connect them with higher levels of studies related to their talents to make their dreams come true.


The idea has been divided into three phases: -

Phase I – Construction of a nursey school for kids from the age of 2- 4 years.

Phase II- Construction of a primary school for kids of the ages of 5 -11 years and

Phase III – Construction of Boarding facilities for both students, staff, volunteers and international visitors.


We will continue to update this proposal to accommodate all requirements for school expansion and then secondary and a college focusing on leadership and entrepreneurship blend. 


Overall goal is to achieve a transformation in education to poor families. Students from the following backgrounds will be given first priority, poor families, orphans, disabled children and street children. In order to ensure that students from poor families get quality education the proportion of 20% and 80% will be used. Parents will pay only 20% of the required school fees. The rest 80% of the fees will be contributed by sponsors, well-wishers all over the world. To ensure sustainability and reduced overdependence, the 20% can be raised depending on the poverty index of the parent. The school will conduct thorough investigations including house-checks to identify poorest families which cannot pay the 20% so as to be full funded. The plan of Ely school is to offer 100% full scholarship to all students who are either poorest and cannot pay, orphans and relatives cannot contribute anything or students


The total cost of construction of Nursey school, primary school, the boarding facilities and purchasing more land (3 Acres) will amount to TZS 2,211,000,000/- (USD 884,400). Ely school will follow all government legal requirements to be registered as soon as Phase I is complete.  Therefore, we are going to register ELY Nursery & Primary School as a ladder to go high, we appeal for your sincere prayer and support.

In more concrete terms, due to the limited capacities of existing infrastructure, a variety of options have been discussed during 2024, and the next plan would be to purchase of rent an existing compound (Hire Pison Pre and Primary School premises) with the following details:

1. Cost of renting per year ranges from Tsh.5,000,000/- to Tsh.20,000,000/= per year. Negotiation is invited.

2. School premises have 8 classrooms, 6 toilets for boys, 6 for girls and 2 for staff members.

3. There is a garden where vegetables can be cultivated.

4. The school is located in Uswahilini- the most populated area, with catchment full of people’s residents. making recruiting students easy.

5. The owner of the school is ready to negotiate with us about the agenda.

6. A need to calculate other operational costs as soon as possible.

7. See the premises in the picture below.

At a later stage. from a more long-term perspective, it is planned to construct new school premises on a ground which already has been purchased in 2023. It would require funds ranging from Tsh.50,000,000/= (USD 18,600/=) to Tsh.100,000,000/= (USD 37,040/=) and the purchase of more land next to it.